Kari Wafstet
After being born and raised in Minnesota, I had an opportunity to move to Montana in 2012 and haven’t doubted that decision. I love everything involving lakes and mountains.
I received my B.A. at the University of Wisconsin–River Falls in Business Administration and Management. I obtained my Property Management license in 2014 and my Real Estate license in 2017.
After getting married, my husband and I became licensed foster parents. Our family has grown after we adopted 3 of our children and had a biological child. As a working mom of 4 young kiddos, I am often found jumping from task to task but thriving on the constant movement.
I am compassionate, kind, and quick to respond. I like to have a great rapport with anyone I work with, whether it’s Sellers, Buyers, Landlords, or Tenants. I truly care for the properties and people who have trusted me in these big decisions. It is very fulfilling to connect with others and bring people together in these transactions.